Autor: michael_goldbeck

Dear Chrome, I want a divorce

Chrome, we need to talk. This probably comes as a surprise, but I want a divorce. This was not an easy decision, I assure you. But it’s been on my mind for quite a while now.

We have been together for a lot of years. Going through all the bookmarks we shared together was a hard one! Damn, did we spend a lot if time on the PHP manual pages^^. We really went through a lot together! Remember when the keys of my keyboard got stuck and you wouldn’t stop playing random trash music on Youtube? Remember the time I screwed around with those fancy React Native debugging tools and you wouldn’t stop slowing us down because you were uncomfortably stuck in the background? Ahhh, good times.


How To Install Piwik on an Ubuntu 16.04 Cloud Server (DigitalOcean)

Even-though I’ve been a Web-Designer and Web-Developer for a couple of years, starting out new projects has always been challenging. Which technology stack should I use, which requirements should I tackle first and how the heck should I finish this interface?

This. Happens. Every. Single. Time. 

So I started learning from data. As misleading data driven design can be, it gives one a heck of a fast start. That’s why I analyse my personal pages as well – I want to make them better by improving gradually. But which tool should I use?  On first sight services such as Google Analytics seem like a great deal: easy to implement, easy to use as well as extensive – and above all „free„. But it does come at a heavy price – your users privacy.


shö e-Commerce auf Österreichisch

Die österreichische Post hat in den letzten Jahren digital einiges richtig gemacht. Der Service wurde für Kunden verbessert, eine Usability-technisch zumutbare Website geschaffen und eine App für mobile Devices public gestellt, die durchaus zu empfehlen ist.

Dann hat die Post auch noch ein ziemlich ambitioniertes Projekt vorgestellt: shö Ein österreichischer online Shop, der österreichischen Unternehmen aus den Klauen von Amazon, Zalando und Ebay helfen soll. So weit, so optimistisch.


The beginning of something new

Well, it’s happening.

Words. Appearing on my blog. I can barely believe it! It’s been 9 years since I’ve given up blogging. Back then I was an ignorant,  sleep-deprived nerd wanting to change the world through technology. I believed that the web was there for the greater good, leading to a better and open society. I do so still.
